在每年春季3 - 5月和秋季9 - 11月的情况下,母狗将进入繁殖期,其最显著的特征是月经来潮,桃变松,肿胀,血液代谢物空。月经意味着狗从幼犬成长为大狗,此外还有食欲不佳、爱嚎叫、让公狗骑跨等主要异常表现。此时,主人一定要采取适当的护理措施,帮助爱犬度过繁殖期。
Dogs get "heat" or estrous cycles, but not menstruation.
Q2: What is the difference between heat and menstruation in dogs?
A2: Heat refers to the time when a female dog is sexually receptive and can become pregnant. Menstruation, on the other hand, is the shedding of the uterine lining in preparation for pregnancy. Dogs do not have true menstrual periods like humans; they experience bleeding during their heat cycle, which is caused by hormonal changes rather than the shedding of the uterine lining.
Q3: How often do dogs go into heat?
A3: The frequency of heat cycles varies by breed, but most dogs will experience heat cycles every 6-8 months.
Q4: What are the signs of heat in dogs?
A4: Signs that a female dog may be in heat include swelling of the vulva, bloody discharge from the vagina, increased urination, and changes in behavior such as restlessness, aggression, or increased affection.
Q5: Can male dogs detect when a female dog is in heat?
A5: Yes, male dogs can detect when a female dog is in heat through scent. They may become more interested in her and attempt to mate with her.