1. 结核分枝杆菌有三种类型:牛、人、禽。犬结核主要由人类和牛结核引起,很少由禽结核引起。2、狗可通过消化道和呼吸道感染。患病犬在整个发病期间可通过痰、粪尿和皮肤病变分泌物排出病原体。因此,它对人们是很有威胁的。3.结核分枝杆菌对外界环境的抵抗力很强,尤其是对干湿寒结核的抵抗力较强,但对高温的抵抗力较弱,60摄氏度30分钟就能将其杀死。使用常规消毒剂需要4个小时才能杀死它。70%酒精、10%漂白粉溶液、次氯酸钠等消毒效果可靠。
1. 需要治疗的犬应隔离使用抗结核药物治疗,如异烟4~8 mg/kg bw/次,每日内服2~3次;利福平每日内服2 - 3次,剂量为10 - 20mg /kg体重/次。2. 对养殖场和家庭的宠物犬应定期进行结核病检疫,对开放性结核病犬应立即予以消灭。结核菌素阳性犬,除少数稀有品种外,也应及时消灭,绝不再与健康犬混种繁殖。3.对狗窝和狗经常活动的地方要进行严格的消毒。严禁肺结核病人喂养和管理狗只。
Dogs and Tuberculosis: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Q1: What is tuberculosis in dogs?
A1: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis or related species that can affect both humans and animals, including dogs.
Q2: How do dogs get tuberculosis?
A2: Dogs can get tuberculosis through close contact with infected humans or other animals, inhaling contaminated air, or consuming contaminated food or water.
Q3: What are the symptoms of tuberculosis in dogs?
A3: The symptoms of tuberculosis in dogs may include coughing, difficulty breathing, weight loss, fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.
Q4: How is tuberculosis diagnosed in dogs?
A4: Diagnosis of tuberculosis in dogs typically involves chest x-rays, skin tests, and cultures of bodily fluids or tissues to confirm the presence of the bacteria.
Q5: How is tuberculosis treated in dogs?
A5: Treatment for tuberculosis in dogs usually involves long-term use of antibiotics, often for several months. In some cases, supportive care such as nutrition support and pain management may also be necessary.